Wednesday, March 30, 2011

apabila kebosanan melanda

hahaha xD ehh biasa lahh kan
kalau dah bosan tu . 
macam2 benda boleh muncul secara spontan
hahaha :)
but this memang best lahh 
kite org je yg saling balas-membalas komen ni
yang lain mane de
tuan punya FB pon tgh tidur kott takpun
tgh wat homwok . hahaha
rase2nye dah dibuai mimpi

biasa lahh . dah takde keje kann
hahaha xDD
mule lahh jadi giel<<<fhm2 le sndri ek . hahaa

* klik imej untuk pembesaran c(:

Monday, March 28, 2011


grr ~ i HATE people call me with that word
i dont know why now people always used that word to call the person
especially . men call that word to a women

* err . this for second time he call me with that word
arghhhh !!! i HATE people like this
we dont knoe each other yet
but he can call me with that name
huhhh ! sorry if u think i will reply u with the same word
NO ! NO ! NO !

next , u give this sentences . urghhhh !!!
i know u are really intent ...
u want to seduce me right !!
sorry bro ! i have already . HAHA xD

* click image for enlargement xD


Thursday, March 24, 2011

23 march 2011


hahahahaha xD

okay okay . back to the topic

today . so many thing/moment that happen to me
either the happy thing/moment or the sad thing/moment

first , when i was slept for the second time . hahaha . i got message from him . oh god !! so sleepy that time lorh . but , its okay . for u . i willing to wake up from sleep . HOHO ! and then we replying message each other(the message contains is private . so , i can't tell it) . err . before that , i set my hp's clock on 9.30 a.m . but i woke up on 8 something . so sleepy u know . haha . 

then , on 9 something i've started to bath n so own . so chaos lorh . with not eating yet . not iron 'tudung' yet . hahaha . while i were finished to get ready , i still can reply messages from him . hahaha . while i was eating , i replied his messages . haha . and that time was 10 something . but i not yet finished . haha 

* err . suddenly , my idea all gone . i don know why . maybe coz he/she dont answer me right . huhu 
okay all . only this i can story to u . coz my idea suddenly gone . but i promise to finish it next time okay . so , i'm sorry friend xD
bye all . morning :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

23 mac 2011

sampai-sampai sekolah tadi ,
1 ."ehh , kau dah kurus lahh . kan kan kan "
HOHO ! sorry . aku tambah gemok ade lahh . kurus kau kate . ahaks
2. jumpe guru kelas . den suruh tandatangan . "sain lahh . senyum2 lak(err . macam mane nak sain cikgu , tangan menggeletar++ n sejuk++ ni . hoho)
pastu ade cikgu sape tah kat sebelah . then guru kelas ckp kat cikgu tu
"ni lahh pelajar yang selalu senyum dalam kelas . kena marah senyum , kena buli senyum . ini lahh . lagi satu budak kelas lain... . same je(hoho cikgu ! senyum itukan sedekah . jadi , senyum lah selalu . hahaha)
3. tengah jalan2 kat sekolah tu cari cikgu . tiba2 ade pula pelajar ni bagi salam "assalamualaikum , cikgu !" . HOHO ! yang peliknye . pleajar india yang bagi salam HAHA !
then pergi tempat lain pon same . dorg sume tunduk(hormat) bile kite org lalu . haha . last2 , ade pelajar n ckp "itu bkn cikgu lahh , itu pljr gak kot" . HOHO ! tak ke malu dorg . btw... . best gak jadi cikgu ni . huahuahuahua

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


some people say that our LOVE is wrong and that we should get on with our lives , but i think they are all WRONG .

you and i should be together ; we're each other long light .

they said we don't stand a chance - but what the hell do they know about romance ?

they don't see the truth and how good i feel when i'm with you . and all i have and all i ever do can't compare what i feel for YOU .


Sunday, March 13, 2011

bertemu kembali


how are u today ?
we are fine as well...

0kay back to the topic ...

sebenarnya , saya dah jumpa dye balik . haha xD setelah bape minggu ek tak jumpe dye . akhirnye bertemu semula . ahah . and mase tu happy giler lahh . coz dah jumpe dye balik .

mane taknye , mase sy g lalu , jalan-jalan n masuk tempat sy kerja dulu , dye mane ade . tu lahh . dye macam tau tau je yg sy nak pg situ .

and and , mase tu sy pg kedai tempat sy kerja untuk ambil gaji , and then korg tau . mase tu lahh dan dan je dye takk muncul-muncul .

d0rg(pkrje/kwn kerja sy) cakap yg dye selalu lalu and tegor akak(kwn kerj sy) ni . korg tau takk . mase sy kerja lg kt situ , dye mane pernah tegor pekerja-pekerja kt kedai sy tuhh .

tah macam mane lahh . tetibe kann , bile sy dah bla dr situ , baru lahh dye nak tegor-tegor akak kt situ . macam ape je kan . haishhh

sambung balik td .... mase ary yg sy ambik gaji tuhh , ade lahh juga sy tunggu dye lalu . asik tengok jam je . tunggu , tunggu , tunggu and tunggu dye lalu . tapi , takk lalu lalu jugak . memang saje betul lahh dye tuhh .

macam tau tau je yg sy nak pg situ and dye macam taknak jumpe sy . dye selalunye mase rehat pg makan kt kedai tuh . ade lahh jugak sy pg kedai tu nak beli nasi akak tuhh kirim , and ade jugak lahh sy tunggu dye kat situ .

mane lahh tau , kot kot terserempak ke dgn dye kan ? tapi , tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu . act , sy p0n tunggu lame kat situ coz nasi yg sy order takk sampai-sampai lgi .

dah jenoh sy menunggu ny , takk muncul-muncul jugak . hahaha . kesiann .and mase tgh tunggu nasi tuhh siap , ade lahh jugak sy usha-usha tengok kat kedai dye tuhh . bukan ape , sy usha pown sbb dye selalu kuar kt dpn kedai dye tuhh nak isap rokok takpun ambik angin kjap .

tapi , dah banyak kali sy tengok-tengok , usha-usha . takde ape pon . akhirnye , sy pon dah jenoh + puas menunggu , blek lahh balik kt kedai sy tuhh , nasi pon mase tuhh dah siap .

mase otw nak balik kedai ade jugak lahh sy tengok-tengok , usha-usha kot kot lahh dye ade lalu mane-mane ke . tapi , takde jugak . s0 , sy balik je kt kedai tuhh tanpa menoleh-noleh tempat lain . ahaks

and mase sy nak balik tuhh , ade jugak lahh , sy usha-usha kat depan kedai dye tuhh lagi , tapi takde jugak dye . and mase sy dh nak pg(tgh bawa moto) ade jugak(LAGI) lahh sy usha-usha kedai dye tuhh . but still takde . hahaha

and tadi , pas abis je pg pasar malam , sy pon cadang lahh nak lalu depan kedai dye tuhh . and korg tau takk , dye ade kot mase tuhh . ape lagi , senyum sorang-sorang lahh sy atas moto tuhh . hahaha . naseb baik takde sape nampak . hahahaha xDD

and mase tuhh , dye pakai baju putih + merah cikit-cikit . otw nak balik tuhh . sy asik senyum sorang-sorang je atas moto sampai lahh dah sampai rumah , masuk bilik , senyum lagi . hahahahaha xD

ye lahh , mane takknye , dah bape minggu kot tak jumpe dye . dah dye asik nyorok je . hahahaha xDD

okay lahh kawan-kawan , itu je lahh cter sy pasal tajuk post untuk kali ni yee . so , have a gud day my friend and take care always . see u soOn . bye . goOd night / morning . bubyeeee 


first ,
u make me sad n cry after that .

second ,
u make me angry with u n ur statement .

third ,
u make me happy , laugh , n cheer back

and the conclusion is....
please ! d0nt make me like a doll that u can simply release ur feelings ...
whenever u angry , sad , happy and  JEALOUS that time...

I do hate like that . I hate people treat me like a doll or toy
HELLO !!! i'm a HUMAN BEING . not toy/doll .
so , just treat me like a human being treat each other...

untill now , i doubt ur feeling towards me . whether u sincere love me or u just simply said that u love me...
so , if u love me , please treat me as ur person that u love it <3

i'm a human being that also have a feeling , and i can be sorely if u treat me like a toy/doll...
0kay . that all for today

but before i leave , have three words that always play in my mind....::::


Thursday, March 10, 2011


arghhhh . please d0n't leave me
i beg u !
i d0nt want t0 l0se u
i still l0ve u !

* please d-nt make me like this